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Aligned Organizations WIN

Published by Pavel Humlíček Pavel Humlíček · Nov 2, 2021
Aligned Organizations WIN

The goal of most organizations is to produce the desired outcomes in the shortest time possible.

The common strategies for achieving this involve getting the best resources available and providing the necessary time to ensure that all problems can be solved along the way.

That should work every time, right?

Not really.

This scenario repeats often:

  • Department A worked extremely hard delivering their stellar results, yet…. the market expectations have not been met.   

  • Department B did a great job too, worked diligently and … customer satisfaction has not improved.

  • Department C did all they could, but…

All the departments are meeting their targets. So why has the company lost its market share to the competition?

This is where the magic formula lies. What an organization really needs is more than a sum of strong individual players.

The core of successful strategic leadership is to:

  1. Define a set of purpose-driven common goals.
  2. Cascade the goals down to the individual teams AND ensure their accountability for their critical top-level KPIs.
  3. Track the outcomes, communicate back to the top-level, and apply lessons learned consistently.


Why not keep all of the above in mind when organizing the next round of your strategy deployment and creating your next year’s X-matrix?

We wish you and your organization to stay on top of any challenges ahead!


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