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Fixing a Broken Information Flow

Published by Kate Apking Kate Apking · June 8, 2017
Fixing a Broken Information Flow

Improving information management practices is a key focus for many organizations. This is being driven by a range of factors, including a need to improve the efficiency of business processes. Most organizations are still struggling to deliver an integrated information management environment.

Effective information management is not easy and it is more than just technology. There are many systems to integrate and you have to consider organizational, cultural, and strategic factors. It is about the business processes and usage of information.

It is also about the information itself, including the structure of Information Management which includes:

  • People
  • Process
  • Technology
  • Content

Each of these must be addressed if a redesign of an information management system is to succeed.

The most common problems include a large number of disconnected management systems and little integration or coordination between those systems.

Is your company struggling with similar issues? Are you spending a lot of time and resources on collecting, processing, and managing data/reports? Would you like to significantly cut them and direct your focus rather than on managing your company, being more effective, improve your flow of information and performance? 

How to fix it? 

Manage your company processes with a fully integrated online system such as TeamGuru. A well-designed leadership information system will:

  • Equip your company with full access to  all data any time online 
  • Help manage business strategies, key projects, corrective actions, performance metrics
  • Provide fully incorporated and standardized flow of information across all of your business locations
  • Offer well-designed documents
  • Furnish user-friendly, organized, and efficient software
  • Provide 'single sign-on' to all applications
  • Ensure a consistent look-and-feel across all applications, including standard navigation and page layouts
  • Help with communicating clearly to all staff the purpose and benefits of the project.
  • Make sure that the systems are useful and usable for staff.
  • Cover confidentiality and protection of your information

Let us know if you would like us to help you on the journey!

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