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Leadership vs Micromanagement

Published by Kate Apking Kate Apking · June 2, 2017
Leadership vs Micromanagement

In our modern age, employees thrive in an environment based on trust and confidence shown by management leadership. Many will turn this style of leadership into an opportunity of being more creative, innovative, and productive.

It promotes a fun and positive workplace where people work as a team. Working as a team is one of the most important business keys for success. Hence our company's name is TEAM GURU.

Are you a manager who prefers micro-managing vs macro-managing?

Let's find out!

  • Are you never quite satisfied with results/outcomes?
  • Do you often feel frustrated because you would’ve chosen a different solution?
  • Do you constantly want to know where all your team members are and what they’re working on?
  • Do you ask for frequent updates on where things stand?
  • Do you prefer to be cc’d on emails?

If you have answered YES to most of these questions, it is a clear sign of the Micromanagement style. While micromanaging may get you short-term results, over time it negatively impacts your team, your organization, and yourself. How can you fix that? 

1. Define Success Criteria

For every job, select one or two margins that define success for that job. 

2. Empower Employees

Provide employees with coaching and feedback tools. 

3. Support Key Decisions

Set a deadline for the decision. Schedule a limited amount of meeting time to gather inputs.  Then make the decision by the deadline.

4. Let Small Things Go

Set up your priorities of achieving results.    

5. Ask For Feedback. 

  • How am I helping or hindering your progress?
  • What could I do more/less to support you better?
  • What do you need to continue to grow in your job?


There is only one way... to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it. 
- Dale Carnegie

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.
- John Quincy Adams

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