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Metric Dashboards for Brilliant Minds

Published by Kristyna Gunter Kristyna Gunter · Dec 21, 2022
Metric Dashboards for Brilliant Minds

Brilliant minds need a supportive environment. Or at least a logically organized one to perform optimally. When was the last time you organized your functional area or the digital one? 

We took the initiative and streamlined the Metric Dashboard area for you. You will be presented with logically organized choices tucked into neat tabs. The setup flow is natural to masterly generate your metrics dashboard. 

While organized interaction is great, even better is the increasingly efficient way of building your metrics dashboard. You will in addition benefit from:

  1. Ability to select multiple organization units at once (and other metric objects) for faster and more agile metric dashboard build
  2. The straightforward way of selecting the combinations to be shown in the dashboard using the matrix view
  3. A more intuitive way of defining responsible people for Objects and Metrics in the dashboard
  4. Comfortable interface to define large dashboards with Full-screen option
  5. Speedy preloading of your organization units as well as the metrics from Metric Dashboard Templates


Why don’t you give it a GO right now?


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