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Turn Your Data into Impactful Decisions

Published by Elise Foley Elise Foley · July 10, 2024
Turn Your Data into Impactful Decisions

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Chart Project Metrics Across Project Lifecycle

Enhance your project management capabilities with the updated Action List module, which now provides seamless viewing of all relevant time periods directly within your project charter dashboard. To activate this feature, navigate to Action List settings and select the desired option under the Project Metrics tab. This enhancement streamlines project monitoring and planning, delivering greater flexibility and accuracy in project management.

Display Period

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Customize Your Gantt Chart View 

We are excited to introduce new filters in the Action List module, designed to enhance your project management experience. With these filters, you can now view a detailed Gantt chart, providing the clarity and control you need to ensure your projects cross the finish line successfully. 


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Display Complete Dashboard in Action List  

Another great option for enhanced visibility now available: the ability to display the full width of the project metrics dashboard in the project header. This feature is perfect for users needing to review extended periods of project metrics, allowing the dashboard to be fully expanded for a comprehensive view  by selecting "Display full width."


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Ensure consistency in your project metrics by using the "Apply to All" field in your templates. If this field is unchecked, changes to the template, like adding new metrics, will only affect new action lists, leaving existing ones unchanged. To apply template updates to all action lists, simply check the box. This ensures that your metrics remain consistent across both new and existing projects.

Action Metric Template

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Embed Forecasting into Your Strategic Plan

All your important analytics are now available alongside your strategy, providing a seamless integration of data and planning. This ensures that you have all the insights you need at your fingertips to make informed decisions and drive your projects forward with confidence.


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Are you ready to give these enhancements a try?

Right on! Our team is ready to answer your   questions or assist   whenever you need it. 


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