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Master Your Daily Planning

Published by Kate Apking Kate Apking · June 21, 2017
Master Your Daily Planning

Whenever I read articles about any successful entrepreneurs, they write about their daily schedules, how they use every minute of their day productively, and how rigidly they follow their routines. Having your day well organized can lead to great accomplishments and also to a stress-free lifestyle.

Do you feel a day doesn't have enough hours, you are constantly a step behind and you are stressed out all the time? You might want to read about a few steps that might help you to change the way.

Step 0: Know your outcome

Before starting to plan anything be absolutely clear about WHAT it is that you want to achieve and WHY. It’s not only about doing the things right but doing THE RIGHT things.

Are you ready now? Let’s get to the execution part.

Step 1: Plan your day the night before

Before going to bed, check your calendar for the next day, make plans including work-related assignments, personal and family activities, running errands, and tasks for accomplishing your life dreams.

Step 2: Schedule a time window for interruptions

Save yourself trouble and frustration by organizing your time wisely and allowing yourself extra time for accomplishing all your tasks for the day.

Step 3: Prioritize your assignments for the day

Make more difficult and time-consuming tasks a point of your focus at the beginning of the day. Many of us save big projects towards the end of the day when we are already tired and possibly running behind.

Step 4: Organize your planner, calendar

Keep your calendar well organized

Step 5: Practice a healthy lifestyle

Habituate mindful exercises such as physical workouts, breathing exercises that go along with a healthy diet.  Take regular breaks. You will likely feel more alert and focused throughout your day.

Step 6: Clean your workspace

Remove anything you don’t need and create a productive desk layout.  Clean your desk before you leave each day.

Step 7: Keep your emails organized

Learn how you can take the most advantage of your email software. Inbox, Calendar, Rules, Meetings, Importance flags, etc.

Step 8: Accept the fact that you’re not going to be able to do it all in one day

Arrange milestones instead. Don’t get frustrated if you weren’t able to finish everything you’ve planned.


"For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned." ~ Benjamin Franklin

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