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Team Building Hacks

Published by Kate Apking Kate Apking · Nov 1, 2017
Team Building Hacks

What a vital and very often overlooked, underestimated element to a successful business! We all know teamwork is very important for boosting organizational development, objective performance, and creating every happy lasting experience at the workplace. However, how many of you have been honestly exposed to any teambuilding exercises, encouragement, support, and reinforcement by your current or previous employer?

It is astonishing and eye-opening how much you can learn and grow, personally and professionally, by experiencing any of the team-building activities and efforts, and not even mentioning how much fun they can be. And believe me, I am not just talking about “Happy Hours” or “The Office” TV episodes.

According to Wikipedia: Team building is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks. Many team-building exercises aim to expose and address interpersonal problems within the group.

What is holding you back to start building “The Greatest Team Ever” today?  It can be as easy and simple as the following suggestions.

  1. Be proactive – and that goes to everyone no matter what position you have within the company.
  1. Set up the most convenient time for everyone to gather together.
  1. Prepare 1-3 exercises based on a time you have and start building a team (there are many activities available online, just search for the right ones).
  1. Once a year hire a professional company that provides their expertise in Team Building Operations.

Just remember, these activities are mainly focused on interpersonal relations rather than on improving efficiency, which is designed for team training. Be open, learn, listen, share and have fun!

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” -Tony Robbins

"Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people." -Steve Jobs

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