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Getting Back To Work

Published by Kate Apking Kate Apking · Aug 1, 2017
Getting Back To Work

In the previous article, we talked about "How to spend a stress and tech-free vacation". You are probably thinking, "That's all great, but how about the stress-free return from the vacation?" That is a completely different issue and definitely harder to achieve. I've heard many times before from different sources that it would be easier not to take any time off because it is so hard getting back. Not just from a logistic point of all the catching up to do, but it is also very hard mentally trying to get back to our routines. The rule of thumb is, once again, BE PREPARED.

Here are my few personal tips on how not to get too crazy getting back from your dream vacation.

1. Clean up / Unclutter your house and work desk before you leave for vacation

Sounds familiar?… You spend a whole day traveling, you have to go back to work,  you are tired of getting back home and the last thing you want to deal with is opening the door to your home sweet home and finding your house a mess. It triggers right away "the must-do" switch and there goes your adrenaline level up and stress-free return is out of the window. Same for your work environment. Organize and clean your space; it will be worth it.

2. Reserve an extra time before your day starts

Begin your workday earlier than usual and try to get to work before the office hours start. If you have the opportunity to be in the office before your colleagues, take advantage of it. You will gain time and space for yourself, and a chance to sort through your emails and correspondence without any distractions instead of focusing on new assignments right away.

3. Put your priority system in place

Layout a scale of urgency and don't get stuck on less important tasks; even though, you are tempted to take care of everything at the same time.

4. Don't stay an hour longer

It is very tempting to stay at work a few hours longer than usual and put everything in order but… Try to resist the urge and go home. You will have plenty of time to take care of everything in a timely manner. This way you will keep the good energy from your vacation going and your productivity will go a long way instead of burning it at the beginning of your return.

5. Keep your social life in a low key

You want to catch up with your family and friends and tell them all about your experience…Please do but after a few days when you are already settled back to your routine. Trust me, time with your friends will be more enjoyable and relaxed if you are in a good place and your mind is not somewhere else. 

6. Don't stress about getting off the wagon and going to bed early

Are you right away thinking about getting to your gym routine or other activities? One more week off is not going to do you any harm. Instead, focus on getting everything settled at work and home territory. Also, try to maintain a good sleep regime. You will face challenges much better when you are well-rested. Try to stay relaxed and rested, use meditation techniques and enjoy the feeling of getting back to your safe and comfortable routines.


"No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow." Lin Yutang

"Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home."  - Matsuo Basho

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